thanksAs a business owner, you should always be looking for opportunities to enhance your brand, even when it comes to the small stuff. Something as simple as saying thank you can show just how innovative and creative you can be. Expressing gratitude in an outside-the-box kind of way not only makes your customers feel special, it also helps your brand gain momentum. We’re not saying that saying thanks should be a self-serving act, but it’s important to keep in mind that small deeds are part of a bigger picture. Here are three creative ways to say thanks:

Use A Freebie

Easier said than done – this is true in many cases, but not when it comes to saying thank you. If you can’t find the words to tell a customer how much you appreciate their business, why not give a gift? Actions speak louder than words, after all. Your clients will love a personalized gift bag, and you’ll benefit from giving, too. Have you ever wondered why you get mints with the dinner bill? Studies have shown that by leaving customers with mints, waiters are more likely to get a better a tip. In the long run, you’ll reap the rewards.

Showcase A Customer

Displaying appreciation makes your loyal clients feel valued, and thanking your customers on your social media platforms is a great way to do that. Don’t be shy to give a shout on Facebook or Twitter to customers who have supported your business along the way, and don’t forget the little guys. Acknowledging your smaller customers shows a deep level of appreciation, and it will come to them as a pleasant surprise. Showing your gratitude publicly goes a long way.

Hold an Event

Hosting a free event at your business location is a great way to give thanks to familiar faces as well as bring in new customers. When it comes to event themes, keep your target audience in mind. If you run a clothing boutique for example, a book signing from someone in the fashion industry is an awesome way to bring in a crowd. You can then take advantage of the number of people in your store by offering discounts on selected items. Something like this can be applied to nearly any industry.


Don’t worry about how long or how grand your thank you is. They key thing here is sincerity. If your thank you comes from the bottom of your heart, it will come across as authentic any way you slice it.