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Month: September 2019

How to Fix a Bad Online Reputation

Do you feel like your online reputation has suffered a blow? If someone has left you a negative review, don’t panic! It isn’t the end of the world.

Understandably, someone slandering your business online can be frustrating. But before you stress out over it, it’s important to assess the situation and take a proactive approach!

Make an Assessment of the Damage to Your Reputation Online: Is It Even that Bad?

So, is your reputation really damaged? A snide, negative comment left by an unhappy customer or jealous competitor is a bummer, but is it really that big of a deal?

Think about the review that was left. Does it look like it could be spam? Google tries to filter out these types of comments as they don’t find them relevant. Does the reviewer have any credibility? Do they mention your specific market specialties in these comments? Without an actual history of leaving reviews, Google won’t take their word for it. Plus, a negative comment can be a bummer, but if they don’t mention specifics, the review won’t hold much weight with potential clients.

Once you have a good grasp of the situation, you’ll not only be less stressed, but you’ll be able to come up with a plan of action. Try applying a combination of the following strategies where you see fit.

Emphasize the Positive with Local Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a marketing tool used to help your business rank higher on Google and increase traffic to your web pages. It can also become an effective strategy to bring the positive and trustworthy information about your company upfront and centre. As a result, this will push everything else back, making it negligible and difficult find.

Encourage Your Clients to Leave You Reviews and Carefully Manage Them

Having good review management tactics in place can help you promote the reviews you actually want people to see all while properly dealing with the ones you don’t. Always encourage clients to leave you amazing reviews, especially if you’ve visibly impressed them. Before you know it, those negative, spammy-looking ones will seem irrelevant.

Create High-Quality, SEO-Optimized Content

One of the easiest ways to dramatically boost your online reputation is to have high-quality, professional content on your website. You can build amazing credibility like this in no time! Not only will people now find positive reviews when they search for you. They’ll also find engaging, well-written content from you that will overshadow any doubt that may have been cast by one measly bad review.

Hire a Trusted Online Reputation Management Service like LinkNow Media

In the end, it might not be the bad review that’s causing your reputation to suffer, but the lack of professional online presence. By enlisting a company like LinkNow Media to do the work for you, you’ll be allowing your business to flourish and keeping those untrustworthy reviews in the dark.

Do you need our help implementing online reputation management strategies? Want to learn more about Local SEO? For general inquiries, email For more information on Local SEO, email Don’t forget to leave a comment!

Why Google Likes Businesses It Can Trust

Would you buy services from a company that you couldn’t trust? No. Probably not.

So, when Google decides who’s going to rank before who on their search engine, they promote trustworthy businesses above all others. Google’s goal, after all, is to provide users with relevant, trustworthy results for their searches. If they didn’t, that would be the end of Google. And Google wouldn’t like that too much.

We know that trust is important for Google. But how do you show that you’re trustworthy? In this post, we’re going to look at a few proven tricks to make your business trustworthy online.

Expertise, Authority, Trust: Google’s Quality Evaluator

If there’s one thing you need to know about Google’s page ranking system, it’s E-A-T.  This stands for “Expertise, Authority, and Trust” and it’s a fundamental part of how Google ranks your business on their search engine. The higher you rank, the easier it is for people to find you. If Google finds that you have strong E-A-T, they’ll be happy to promote you before your competition!

As we noted last November, while expertise and authoritativeness are crucial for SEO, trust has proven to be the most important piece of every SEO strategy. It’s what we, here at LinkNow Media, have used to build our results-driven local SEO and organic SEO strategies.

Positive and Detailed Reviews Prove that You’re Trustworthy

The best place to start is by getting lots of detailed reviews from your clients.

Reviews make your business legitimate in Google’s eyes. They make a business more than just an online entity. It makes them real. And although good reviews are always best, having lots of reviews can help your business seem more trustworthy. They show a pattern and build a reputation, which in turn builds trust.

Make sure you ask every client (who’s happy with your work) to leave you a review online. Make it easy for them by bringing a tablet or smartphone with you to the job site. Or, send them an email once the work is done. Encourage your clients to leave a detailed review that says what they liked about your work. The more specific details, the better!

Write Content that is Honest, Upfront, and True

It might surprise you to learn that Google reads all the content on your website. They do this to figure out whether your webpages might be relevant to their searchers.

If you’re selling a product or service, don’t hide your pitch in a bunch of information. Come out and say it! If someone is looking to buy, they’ll know they’re in the right place—and be convinced at the same time. By being honest about selling something, you tell Google that your page is relevant to buyers. The result is that Google will help turn your page into a lead generating machine.

Finally, make sure that all your claims are true. Don’t exaggerate the benefits of your product. Google has indexed nearly all the information available online today. And their algorithms are designed to look for scams, schemes, and tricks.

Be honest and reap the rewards!

Increase the Trustworthiness of Your Business with the Help of a Digital Marketer

If you’re looking to build trust with Google, the most effective way to do so is to hire the expertise of a digital marketer like LinkNow Media. We help small business owners with reputation management so that Google will rank them better.

If you have questions, concerns, or comments—leave us a note below, and we’ll get back to you ASAP. Or if you’d like to speak to an SEO expert, send us an email at

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